- Отработать Present Simple;
- Выучить слова по теме распорядок дня.
- Как строится Present Simple?
- Когда мы используем окончание s, а когда es?
Present Simple, или Настоящее Простое
Это время, которое мы используем, когда нам нужно рассказать, что мы делаем постоянно, каждый день.
I jump. He jump s . She jump s. It jump s. You jump. We jump. They jump.
I do not jump. He does not jump. She does not jump. It does not jump. You do not jump. We do not jump. They do not jump.
Do I jump? Does he jump? Does she jump? Does it jump? Do you jump? Do we jump? Do they jump?
Упражнение 1
Прочитай слова и фразы. Какие их них ты уже знаешь, а какие нет.
Выучи новые слова и фразы.
get up
clean teeth
wash up
go to school
watch TV
go to bed
[get ʌp] гет ап
[kliːn] клин
[kliːn tiːθ] клин тис*
[wɔʃ] у*ош
[wɔʃ ʌp] у*ош ап
[brekfəst] брэ́кфэст
[lʌnʧ] ланч
[ ̍dɪnə] ди́нэ
[gəu tuː skuːl] гоу ту скул
[wɔʧ tiː'viː] во:ч ти: ви:
[iːt] ит
[drɪŋk] дрин*к
[wɔːk] у*ок
[wɔːtə] у*о́тэ
[lɪv] лив
['lɪs(ə)n] лисн
/[les(ə)n] лэсн
['həumwɜːk] хоум у*ёк
[gəutuː bed] гоу ту бэд
чистить зубы
мыть посуду
идти в школу
смотреть телевизор
вода, поливать
домашняя работа
ложиться спать
Упражнение 2
Пронумеруй картинки и опиши утро Боба.

Упражнение 3
Прочитай текст. Переведи.
Bob`s Day

Bob likes his school. It is big. He has got many friends there. At school Bob has five lessons. He sits at the table. He looks and listens. He reads and writes.

He draws and sings. He eats his lunch at school. He has sandwiches. He drinks tea or milk.

He likes Sport lesson. In this lesson Bob can run, jump and play sport games.

He goes home. He is tired but happy.
Упражнение 4
Поставь глаголы в скобках в Present Simple.
At home Bob (not do his homework) at once (сразу). He (watch TV) a bit (немного). He (listen to music). Then he (do homework). When his mum and dad are at home, they (eat) dinner. For dinner they (eat) meat and vegetables, rice, fish, chips and spaghetti with cheese and ketchup. They (not eat) soup. Bob (not like) soup for dinner. Bob (help) his mum? Yes, he (do). He (wash) up and (water) flowers.
Bob (walk) with his friends or (read) a book.
Then he (clean) his teeth, (wash) his face and (go) to bed.
Упражнение 5
Верны ли утверждения?
1. Bob does not eat breakfast. No
2. Bob has got friends at school. ______
3. Bob does not like Sport lesson. ______
4. Bob is small. He can not write and read. ______
5. Bob eats lunch at school. ______
6. He eats cakes and drinks water for lunch. ______
7. At home Bob does his homework . ______
8. He does not help his mum. ______
9. Bob works with his friends. ______
Упражнение 6
Напиши, что Боб и его друзья делают на перемене.

When it is playtime, Bob and his friends are in the playground (игровая площадка).
__________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Как прошёл урок? Продолжи фразы.
- Сегодня я узнала/узнал…
- Я научилась/научился…
- У меня хорошо получается…
- Мне нужно поработать над…
- Я хочу…
Упражнение 2

Упражнение 4
At home Bob does not do his homework at once (сразу). He watches TV a bit (немного). He listens to music. Then he does homework. When his mum and dad are at home they eat dinner. For dinner they eat meat and vegetables, rice, fish, chips and spaghetti with cheese and ketchup. They do not eat soup. Bob does not like soup for dinner. Does Bob help his mum? Yes, he does. He washes up and waters flowers.
Bob walks with his friends or reads a book.
Then he cleans his teeth, washes his face and goes to bed.
Упражнение 5
1. Bob does not eat breakfast. No
2. Bob has got friends at school. Yes
3. Bob does not like Sport lesson. No
4. Bob is small. He can not write and read. No
5. Bob eats lunch at school. Yes
6. He eats cakes and drinks water for lunch. No
7. At home Bob does his homework . Yes
8. He does not help his mum. No
9. Bob works with his friends. Yes
Упражнение 6
When it is playtime, Bob and his friends are in the playground (игровая площадка). It is not big. They play games. Girls jump and boys play with the ball. They wear white T-shirts and blue shoes. Girls wear blue skirts. Boys wear blue trousers. They like to play. Their teacher watches.